Newyddion & Hysbysebion

Food Package Scheme

Food Package Scheme

Residents of Llanrug and Cwm y Glo, who are considered vulnerable, or have lost their employment or their income has been reduced as result of Covid-19, to receive a weekly food package. The food package will be delivered to you around 18:30 on Friday’s.

If you consider that you fall into one of the above categories and would like a food package, please contact the council clerk (contact details above), any member of the community council or Councillor Berwyn Parry Jones (Cwm y Glo Council member Gwynedd on 0791 771 3099) providing the following information: –

Telephone Number:
Number of persons living at the address:

Food Package Scheme
Darllenwch Fwy

Sign Competition

Llanrug Community Council Sign Competition

The council has launched a competition to design signs to be located around the area to encourage drivers to slow down. The competition is open to anyone who lives within the council’s area which includes Cwm y Glo and Pontrug.

The person whose sign is chosen will receive a £30 book voucher.

Entries should be sent to the clerk at by 31 October 2020 or to the address below.

If you require any further information, please contact the clerk or any member of the council.

Clerc / Clerk: Mr Meirion Jones PSLCC
7 Nant y Glyn
LL55 4AH

Sign Competition
Darllenwch Fwy

Cystadleuaeth Arwyddion

Cystadleuaeth Arwyddion Cyngor Cymuned Llanrug

Mae’r cyngor wedi creu dwy gystadleuaeth i ddylunio arwyddion i’w lleoli o amgylch yr ardal i annog gyrwyr i arafu. Mae’r gystadleuaeth yn agored i unrhyw un sydd yn byw oddi fewn i ffiniau’r cyngor, sydd yn cynnwys Cwm y Glo a Pontrug.

Bydd y person sydd wedi creu’r arwydd a ddewisir yn derbyn taleb llyfrau o £30.

Gellir anfon ceisiadau i’r clerc at erbyn 31 o Hydref 2020 neu i’r cyfeiriad isod.

Os ydych angen rhagor o wybodaeth mae croeso i chwi gysylltu â’r clerc neu unrhyw aelod o’r cyngor.

Clerc / Clerk: Mr Meirion Jones PSLCC
7 Nant y Glyn
LL55 4AH

Cystadleuaeth Arwyddion
Darllenwch Fwy

Logo Competition

Llanrug Community Council Logo Competition

Llanrug Community Council is looking to modernize and update its current logo, as the current one does reflect the council’s current activities, responsibilities, or the area as it is today.

The council has launched a competition to design a new logo, which is open to anyone living within the council’s boundaries, which includes Cwm y Glo and Pontrug. The council is open to all ideas and there are no logo restrictions.

The person who created the chosen logo will receive a £ 30 book voucher.

Entries should be sent to the clerk at by 31 October 2020 or at the address below.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the clerk or any member of the council.

Clerc / Clerk: Mr Meirion Jones PSLCC
7 Nant y Glyn
LL55 4AH
Tel: 07769 112875

Logo Competition
Darllenwch Fwy

Cystadleuaeth Logo

Cystadleuaeth Logo Cyngor Cymuned Llanrug

Mae Cyngor Cymuned Llanrug yn edrych i foderneiddio a diweddaru ei logo presennol, oherwydd nid yw’r un presennol yn adlewyrchiad o weithgareddau, cyfrifoldebau presennol y cyngor, na’r ardal fel y mae heddiw.

Mae’r cyngor wedi creu cystadleuaeth i ddylunio logo newydd, sydd yn agored i unrhyw un sydd yn byw oddi fewn i ffiniau’r cyngor, sydd yn cynnwys Cwm y Glo a Pontrug. Mae’r cyngor yn hollol agored i syniadau a does dim amodau ar y logo.

Bydd y person sydd wedi creu’r logo a ddewisir yn derbyn taleb llyfrau o £30.

Gellir anfon ceisiadau i’r clerc at erbyn 31 o Hydref 2020 neu i’r cyfeiriad isod.

Os ydych angen rhagor o wybodaeth mae croeso i chwi gysylltu â mi.

Clerc / Clerk: Mr Meirion Jones PSLCC
7 Nant y Glyn
LL55 4AH
Ffon: 07769 112875

Cystadleuaeth Logo
Darllenwch Fwy

Hysbysiad o Gyfethol

Mesur Llywodraeth Leol (Cymru) 2011, Adran 116

Hysbysiad o Gyfethol

RHODDIR HYSBYSIAD TRWY HYN fod Cyngor Cymuned LLANRUG yn bwriadu Cyfethol UN aelod i lenwi’r lle(oedd) gwag sydd ar gael ar gyfer Cynghorydd yng Nghymuned (Ward) LLANRUG yn dilyn diffyg nifer enwebiadau ar gyfer yr Etholiadau cynhaliwyd ar 18 Medi 2020.

Hysbysiad o Gyfethol – Cyngor Cymuned Llanrug

Hysbysiad o Gyfethol
Darllenwch Fwy

Notice of Co-Option

Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, Section 116

Notice of Co-Option

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the LLANRUG Community Council intends to Co-opt ONE member to fill the vacancy that exist in the office of Councillor for the LLANRUG Community Ward following insufficient nominations at the Elections held on 18 September 2020.

Notice of Co-Option – Llanrug Community Council

Notice of Co-Option
Darllenwch Fwy

Clwb Cymunedol Llanrug Ar-Lein

Mae Cyngor Cymuned Llanrug wedi prynu fewn i Wasanaeth Ieuenctid Cyngor Gwynedd i ddarparu Clwb Cymunedol Llanrug Ar-Lein.

Mae’r clwb ar agor dydd Llun 14 o Fedi ar lein a gellir cael manylion sut i ymuno isod.

Clwb Cymunedol Llanrug Ar-Lein
Darllenwch Fwy

Llanrug Online Community Club

Llanrug Community Council  has purchased into Gwynedd Council’s Youth Service to provide a Llanrug Community Club.

The club will open from Monday 14 September. Please see below for joining instructions.

Llanrug Online Community Club
Darllenwch Fwy

Sedd Wag Achlysurol-Ward Llanrug


RHODDIR RHYBUDD TRWY HYN o sedd wag achlysurol mewn swydd cynghorydd yn ward Llanrug ar Gyngor Cymuned Llanrug.

Cynhelir etholiad i lenwi’r sedd wag os cyflwynir cais ysgrifenedig am etholiad sy’n cynnwys llofnod deg etholwr o’r ward uchod i’r: Swyddog Canlyniadau, Cyngor Gwynedd, Swyddfa’r Cyngor, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 1SH o fewn y cyfnod sy’n diweddu am 12.00pm ar ddydd Gwener, 18 Medi, 2020.

Os na dderbynnir cais am etholiad, llenwir y sedd wag gan y Cyngor Cymuned.

Meirion Jones
Clerc y Cyngor / Clerk to the Council
Dyddiedig / Dated 28 Awst / August 2020

Sedd Wag Achlysurol-Ward Llanrug
Darllenwch Fwy