Newyddion & Hysbysebion

Notice of date appointed for the exercise of electors’ rights

Notice of date appointed for the exercise of electors’ rights under the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004
Llanrug Community Council
Financial Year Ending 31 March 2020

1. Date of announcements: 27 July 2020

2. Each year the annual accounts are audited by the Auditor General for Wales. Prior to this date, any interested person has the opportunity to inspect and make copies of the accounts and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts etc. relating to them for 20 working days on reasonable notice. For the year ended 31 March 2020, these documents will be available on reasonable notice on application to:

Mr Meirion Jones PSLCC
Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
Llanrug Community Council
7 Nant y Glyn
LL55 4AH
Tel: 07769 112875

Between the hours of 09:00 and 17:00 from Monday to Friday starting on 1 September 2020 and ending 28 September 2020

3. From 29th September 2020 until the audit has been completed, Local Government Electors and their representatives also have:
the right to question the Auditor General about the accounts. The Auditor General can be contacted via BDO LLP, Arcadia House, Maritime Walk, Ocean Village, Southampton SO14 3TL and
the right to attend before the Auditor General and make objections to the accounts or any item in them. Written notice of an objection must first be given to the Auditor General via BDO LLP, Arcadia House, Maritime Walk, Ocean Village, Southampton SO14 3TL. A copy of the written notice must also be given to the council.

4. The audit is being conducted under the provisions of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004, the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 and the Auditor General for Wales’ Code of Audit Practice.

Notice of date appointed for the exercise of electors’ rights