
Cyfle Cymru – Healthy Working Wales

Cyfle Cymru is a service which helps people with substance misuse issues and/or mental health conditions into work, education or training.

Cyfle Cymru provides the support you need to find the right job, training opportunity or qualifications.

Cyfle Cymru Leaflet

Cyfle Cymru – Healthy Working Wales
Darllenwch Fwy

Cysylltedd am ddim


Heddiw, cyhoeddodd Cyngor Cymuned Llanrug y bydd yn defnyddio cysylltedd digidol am ddim, drwy gynllun ‘charities.connected’  Vodafone, i fynd i’r afael ag allgáu digidol yn yr ardal. Mae’r cyngor wedi cael 50 cerdyn SIM; bydd y cyngor yn defnyddio’r rhain i gefnogi unigolion a theuluoedd o fewn ei ardal i fynd ar-lein a chael mynediad at ei wasanaethau.

Mae cynllun ‘charities.connected’ Vodafone ar agor i unrhyw elusen gofrestredig a fyddai’n elwa o gysylltedd am ddim, naill ai i wella ei allu digidol, estyn ei wasanaethau neu helpu unigolion a theuluoedd y mae’n eu cynorthwyo i fynd ar-lein. Gall unigolion o fewn ardal Cyngor Cymuned Llanrug geisio am y cysylltedd am ddim, ar ffurf cardiau SIM gyda 40GB o ddata y mis, a galwadau a negeseuon testun am ddim, am chwe mis. I ymgeisio, cysylltwch â’r Clerc ar 07769 112875, drwy e-bost i  neu gysylltu ag unrhyw aelod o’r cyngor cymuned.

Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Berwyn Parry Jones, Cadeirydd Pwyllgor Bwyd a Llesiant, Cyngor Cymuned Llanrug, a Cynghorydd Sir dros ardal Cwm y Glo,  “tra rydym wedi wynebu heriau yn ystod y pandemig, rydym hefyd wedi sylweddoli budd enfawr y gall technoleg a chysylltedd ei roi, yn ein galluogi i gyrraedd mwy o bobl, a rhoi cymorth y mae wir ei angen arnynt. Bydd y cysylltedd am ddim hwn drwy gynllun ‘charities.connected’ Vodafone yn ein helpu i barhau â’r gwaith yma.”

Dywedodd Emma Reynolds, Pennaeth Cyfathrebu, Materion Cynaliadwyedd a Rheoleiddiol, Vodafone UK:

“Rydym wedi ymrwymo i fynd i’r afael ag allgáu digidol. Rydym yn gobeithio, drwy ddarparu cysylltedd am ddim i Gyngor Cymuned Llanrug ac elusennau rhagorol eraill ar draws y DU sy’n cael effaith enfawr ar eu cymunedau, gallwn helpu i greu cymdeithas ddigidol fwy cynhwysol. Rydym yn annog unrhyw sefydliad sydd o’r farn y gallent elwa i ymgeisio ar-lein ac edrychwn ymlaen at glywed sut y mae’r cysylltedd hwn wedi helpu.”

Mae cynllun charities.connected Vodafone yn rhan o’i ymrwymiad i fynd i’r afael ag allgáu digidol.

 Am fwy o wybodaeth, plîs cysylltwch gyda:

Cyngor Cymuned Llanrug
07769 112875

Cysylltedd am ddim
Darllenwch Fwy

Free Connectivity


Llanrug Community Council today announced it will be using free connectivity, via Vodafone’s charities.connected initiative, to tackle digital exclusion in the area. The council has received 50 SIM cards which the council will use to support individuals and families within its area to get online and access its services

Vodafone’s charities.connected initiative is open to any registered charity that would benefit from free connectivity, either to improve its digital capability, extend its services or help the individuals and families it supports get online. Individuals within the Llanrug Community Council area can apply for the free connectivity, in the form of SIM cards with 40GB data a month, plus free calls and texts, for six months.  To apply please contact the Clerk on 07769 112875, by email to or contact any member of the community council.

Councillor Berwyn Parry Jones, Chair of Llanrug Community Council’s Food and Wellbeing Committee said, “whilst we’ve faced challenges during the pandemic, we’ve also realised the huge benefits that digital technology and connectivity can bring, enabling us to reach more people and provide them with much-needed support. This free connectivity via Vodafone’s charities.connected initiative will help us continue this work.”

Emma Reynolds, Head of Communications, Sustainability and Regulatory Affairs at Vodafone UK said: “We are committed to tackling digital exclusion.  We hope that by providing free connectivity to Llanrug Community Council and the other amazing charities across the UK who have such an enormous impact on their local communities, we can help create a more inclusive digital society.  We urge any organisation who thinks they can benefit to apply online and look forward to hearing how this connectivity has helped.”

Vodafone’s charities. connected initiative is part of its commitment to tackle digital exclusion and connect one million people by the end of 2022.

For more information, please contact:

Llanrug Community Council
07769 112875

Free Connectivity
Darllenwch Fwy

Cystadleuaeth Nadolig 2022

Cyfle i ennill gwobr am addurno’ch ffenest neu o flaen eich tŷ!

Mae Cyngor Cymuned Llanrug yn rhedeg y gystadleuaeth boblogaidd eto eleni ar gyfer y tŷ mae’n ystyried sydd â’r addurniadau Nadolig gorau oddi fewn i’w ardal. Os am gystadlu, bydd angen i ymgeiswyr dynnu llun o’i addurniadau a’i anfon drwy e-bost at gan gofio nodi eich enw a cyfeiriad. Bydd y gystadleuaeth ar agor hyd 13 Rhagfyr 2022.

Bydd yr enillydd yn derbyn taleb gwerth £50, yr ail yn taleb o £30 a’r trydydd taleb o £20 o siop gig Wavell’s.

Dymunwn Nadolig dedwydd i bawb.

Cystadleuaeth Nadolig 2022
Darllenwch Fwy

Christmas Competition 2022

A chance to win a prize for the best window or front of house decorations!

Llanrug Community Council is running the popular competition again this year for the house which it considers to be best decorated within its area. If you wish to compete, applications are required to take a picture of the decorations and to send them by email to and remember to include your name and address. The competition will be open until 13 December 2022.

The winner will receive a voucher for £50, the second a voucher for £30 and third a voucher of £20 from Wavell’s butcher.

Wishing you a happy and healthy Christmas

Christmas Competition 2022
Darllenwch Fwy

Tendr torri gwair

Mae Cyngor Cymuned Llanrug yn gwahodd personau neu gwmnïau cymwys i dendro am dorri gwair 5 maes chwarae, 1 mynwent a cynnal chadw llwybrau cyhoeddus.

Gellir cael mwy o fanylion ynghyd a ffurflen dendro isod neu drwy gysylltu â Chlerc y Cyngor, Mr Meirion Jones ar 07769 112875 neu drwy e-bost at .

Dylai pob tendr fod i fewn cyn 12:00 17 Rhagfyr 2022.

Dogfen tendr


Tendr torri gwair
Darllenwch Fwy

Grass cutting tender

Llanrug Community Council invites eligible persons or companies to tender for the grass cutting of 5 playing fields, 1 cemetery and maintenance of public footpaths.

Further information together with a tender form are available below or from the Clerk to the Council, Mr Meirion Jones on 07769 112875 or by email to

All tenders should be in by 12:00 17 December 2022.

Tender Document

Tender Specification

Grass cutting tender
Darllenwch Fwy

Llanrug Development Open Day

Do you live in Llanrug? 

Want to learn more about affordable housing and potential developments in your area?

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to share your views:

Tuesday 05.07.2022
4:00-6:30 PM

LL55 4BE

For more information contact us:

Download Development Day Poster

Llanrug Development Open Day
Darllenwch Fwy