Newyddion & Hysbysebion

Rhybudd Torchau – Mynwent Llanrug

Mynwent Llanrug

Dymuna’r cyngor ddwyn i’ch sylw reol 9.1 a 9.2 o reolau’r fynwent isod

9.1 Fe ddisgwylir i dorchau sydd wedi gosod ar gyfer amgylchiadau arbennig, e.e. Sul y Blodau, Sul y Mamau, Sul y Tadau, y Nadolig a’r Pasg, gael eu clirio ar ôl 14 diwrnod gan y teulu. Os na fydd y teulu yn gallu gwneud hyn, mae’r cyngor yn dal yr hawl i’w clirio a’i gwaredu heb unrhyw gysylltiad â’r teulu os byddant yn dirywio.

9.2 Ar gyfer pob achlysur arall, fe ddisgwylir i’r teulu waredu unrhyw dorchau neu deyrngedau blodau ar ôl 14 diwrnod. Os bydd y blodau yn dirywio, mae’r cyngor yn dal yr hawl i’w gwaredu heb unrhyw gysylltiad â’r teulu.

Gwerthfawrogi’r eich cydweithrediad

Cyngor Cymuned Llanrug

Rhybudd Torchau – Mynwent Llanrug
Darllenwch Fwy

Wreaths – Llanrug Cemetery

Llanrug Cemetery

The council wishes to draw to your attention rules 9.1 and 9.2 of the cemetery rules.

9.1 Wreaths that have been laid for special circumstances are expected, e.g., Palm Sunday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, and Easter, to be cleared after 14 days by family. If the family is unable to do this, the council holds the right to clear and dispose of them without contacting the family if they deteriorate.

9.2 For every other occasion, the family is expected to dispose of any wreaths or flower tributes after 14 days. If the flowers deteriorate, the council reserves the right to dispose of them without contacting the family.

Your cooperation is appreciated

Llanrug Community Council

Wreaths – Llanrug Cemetery
Darllenwch Fwy

Cystadleuaeth Nadolig 2023


Cyfle i ennill gwobr am addurno’ch ffenest neu o flaen eich tŷ!

Mae Cyngor Cymuned Llanrug yn rhedeg ei gystadleuaeth boblogaidd eto eleni ar gyfer y tŷ mae’n ystyried sydd â’r addurniadau Nadolig gorau oddi fewn i’w ardal. Gellir cystadlu drwy anfon eich enw a cyfeiriad llawn at , neu drwy neges destun at 07769 112875, neu gysylltu ag unrhyw aelod o’r cyngor cymuned. Bydd y gystadleuaeth ar agor rhwng 1af  a’r 10fed o Rhagfyr 2023, gyda beirniadu yn cymryd lle wythnos 11 o Rhagfyr 2023.

Bydd yr enillydd yn derbyn taleb gwerth £50, yr ail yn daleb o £30 a’r drydedd daleb o £20 o siop gig Wavell’s. Bydd pob ymgeisydd yn derbyn rhodd.

Dymunwn Nadolig dedwydd i bawb

Cystadleuaeth Nadolig 2023
Darllenwch Fwy

Christmas Competition 2023

Christmas Competition 2023

A chance to win a prize for the best window or front of house decorations!

Llanrug Community Council is running its popular competition again this year for the house which it considers to be best decorated within its area. To enter, send your name and address to , or by text to 07769 112875 or by contacting any member of the community council. The competition will be open between 1st and 10th December 2023, with judging taking place week commencing 11th December 2023.

The winner will receive a voucher for £50, the second a voucher for £30 and third a voucher of £20 from Wavell’s butcher. Each entrant will receive a gift.


Christmas Competition 2023
Darllenwch Fwy

Hysbysiad pennu’r dyddiad ar gyfer arfer hawliau etholwyr

Atodiad 4 – Hysbysiad archwilio

Hysbysiad pennu’r dyddiad ar gyfer arfer hawliau etholwyr

Blwyddyn ariannol yn dod i ben ar 31 March 2023

1. Dyddiad cyhoeddi 1 MEHEFIN 2023

2. Bob blwyddyn, archwilir y cyfrifon blynyddol gan Archwilydd Cyffredinol Cymru. Cyn y dyddiad hwn, mae unrhyw berson â diddordeb yn cael cyfle i archwilio a gwneud copïau o’r cyfrifon a’r holl lyfrau, gweithredoedd, contractau, biliau, talebau a derbynebau ac yn y blaen sy’n ymwneud â hwy am 20 diwrnod gwaith ar rybudd rhesymol. Ar gyfer y flwyddyn a ddaeth i ben 31 Mawrth 2023, bydd y dogfennau hyn ar gael ar rybudd rhesymol ar gais i:

Y Clerc
7 Nant y Glyn
LL55 4AH

Neu drwy drefniadau eraill drwy

Rhwng yr oriau o 17:00 a 20:00 o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener
Yn dechrau ar 3 Gorffennaf 2023
Ac yn dod i ben ar 28 Gorffennaf 2023

3. O 11 Medi 2023, hyd nes y bydd yr archwiliad wedi ei gwblhau, mae gan Etholwyr Llywodraeth Leol a’u cynrychiolwyr hefyd:

yr hawl i holi’r Archwilydd Cyffredinol ynglŷn â’r cyfrifon.
yr hawl i ddod gerbron yr Archwilydd Cyffredinol a mynegi gwrthwynebiad i’r cyfrifon neu unrhyw eitem ynddynt. Rhaid rhoi rhybudd ysgrifenedig o wrthwynebiad i’r Archwilydd Cyffredinol yn gyntaf. Rhaid rhoi copi o’r rhybudd ysgrifenedig hefyd i’r Cyngor.

Rhybudd Archwilio 22-23

Hysbysiad pennu’r dyddiad ar gyfer arfer hawliau etholwyr
Darllenwch Fwy

Notice of appointment of the date for the exercise of electors’ rights

Annex 4 – Audit notice

Notice of appointment of the date for the exercise of electors’ rights

Financial year ending 31 March 2023

1. Date of announcement 1 JUNE 2023

2. Each year the annual accounts are audited by the Auditor General for Wales. Prior to this date, any interested person has the opportunity to inspect and make copies of the accounts and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts etc relating to them for 20 working days on reasonable notice. For the year ended 31 March 2023, these documents will be available on reasonable notice on application to:

The Clerk
7 Nant y Glyn
LL55 4AH

Or by arrangements via between the hours of 17:00 and 20:00 on Monday to Friday commencing on 3 July 2023 and ending on 28 July 2023

3. From 11 September 2023, until the audit has been completed, Local Government Electors and their representatives also have:

   the right to question the Auditor General about the accounts.
   the right to attend before the Auditor General and make objections to the accounts or any item in them. Written notice of an objection must first be given to the Auditor General. A copy of the written notice must also be given to the council.

The Auditor General can be contacted via: Community Council Audits, Audit Wales, 1 Capital Quarter, Tyndall Street, Cardiff, CF10 4BZ or by email at

Audit Notice 22-23

Notice of appointment of the date for the exercise of electors’ rights
Darllenwch Fwy



RHODDIR RHYBUDD TRWY HYN o 3 sedd wag achlysurol mewn swydd cynghorydd yn ward Llanrug ar Gyngor Cymuned Llanrug.

Cynhelir etholiad i lenwi’r sedd wag os cyflwynir cais ysgrifenedig am etholiad sy’n cynnwys llofnod deg etholwr o’r ward uchod i’r: Swyddog Canlyniadau, Cyngor Gwynedd, Swyddfa’r Cyngor, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 1SH o fewn y cyfnod sy’n diweddu am 12.00pm ar ddydd Gwener, 19 Mehefin, 2023.

Os na dderbynnir cais am etholiad, llenwir y sedd wag gan y Cyngor Cymuned.

Meirion Jones
Clerc y Cyngor
Dyddiedig 30 Mai 2023

Sedd Wag Llanrug

Darllenwch Fwy



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of 3 casual vacancies in the office of councillor in Llanrug ward on Llanrug Community Council.

An election will be held to fill the vacancy if a request in writing for an election which includes the signatures of ten electors of the said ward is sent to: The Returning Officer, Gwynedd Council, Council Offices, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 1SH within the period ending at 12 noon on Friday, 19 June, 2023.

In the absence of a request for an election, the vacancy will be filled by the Community Council.

Meirion Jones
Clerk to the Council
Dated 30 May 2023

Casual Vacancy – Llanrug

Darllenwch Fwy